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Kayleigh Mize joined the Spotsylvania VCE office on October 10, 2020.  

As an animal science agent  she works primarily with livestock producers in Spotsylvania, Caroline, Stafford and King George counties, delivering researched based educational programs on various topics including, animal health, nutrition, reproduction and marketing, hay and pasture management, and soil and water conservation. In cooperation with extension specialists and other extension agents, The agent works with producers of other agriculture including field crops, vegetables and fruit. In addition works with the Spotsylvania Farmers’ Market to provide Virginia Grown products to consumers. With the assistance of Master Gardener volunteers, Spotsylvania County home owners are provided answers to questions on growing vegetables and fruit, landscape and lawn care.


The Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Program in Spotsylvania and Stafford Counties serves as a resource to the community in the following areas:

  • Food Safety, Nutrition, and Health
  • Family Financial Management
  • Food Preservation-Canning and Fermenting
  • Kids Market Place
  • Real World, Real Money

April Payne, FCS Extension Agent, provides research-based educational opportunities through workshops, classes, collaborative projects, print materials, and other appropriate venues.  All programs are driven by the needs of the community- identified by county residents and the local Extension Leadership Council. 

Volunteer opportunities are available! Please contact April with interest in helping the community and gaining valuable knowledge.

ServSafe Courses Offered

Manager Course is a 16 hour course that prepares you to take the National Restaurant Association ServSafe Certification Exam. Instruction and preparation tests are given to ensure understanding of material. Participants will be supplied with a ServSafe book with all the up to date information regarding food safety.  Please return to the main page to register.

Food Handler Class is a short course on five key food safety areas. It is ideal for food handlers, childcare workers, baristas, food truck employees, long term care personnel, church groups,  or anyone serving people to any capacity. The class is two hours. Participants receive a very nice workbook and certificate that is good for 3 years. The health department looks very fondly upon trained employees and it will help keep everyone on the same page for food safety. Your customers will appreciate it too! On-site training is available for groups of four or more.

What is 4-H?

4-H is a non-formal educational program and an organization for youth, ages 5-19.  It is open to everyone regardless of race, religion, color, gender, national origin, handicap, or place of residence.

4-H is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Commonwealth of Virginia, Virginia Cooperative Extension, and by local government.  The 4-H youth program was created to bring the latest research knowledge generated at the land grant universities (Virginia Tech and Virginia State) to local communities.  Our goal is to help young people grow into capable, responsible, confident members of their communities by providing information, opportunities, activities, and events that are educational, developmental, and fun.

The 4-H motto is: “TO MAKE THE BEST BETTER.  The 4-H colors are green and white.  A green four-leaf clover with a white “H” on each cloverleaf is the 4-H emblem.  The official emblem is copyrighted and may be used only as approved by 4-H.  The 4-H slogan is “Learn by Doing.”

Spotsylvania County 4-H Clubs

A 4-H Club is an organized group of youngsters (ages 9-19) with elected officers and a planned program that is conducted throughout the year or the majority of the year. Clubs are lead by volunteer leaders and may focus on one or more project areas. Club officers conduct monthly organizational meetings. Members also participate in a variety of learning experiences in their organizational meeting as well as within their project meetings. Project meetings may be held as often as deemed necessary, but at least once a month.

4-H clubs may meet as neighborhood clubs, as after school clubs, or as within school clubs. The "key" is that all clubs should have officers, be managed by volunteers, meet over a sustained period of time, and are focused on positive youth development.

Engaging with Communities

Virginia Cooperative Extension specialists in community viability work with Extension agents, campus-based faculty, organizational partners, communities, and individuals to further opportunity and build capacity in five program areas:   

Examples of our work include training county elected officials, educating entrepreneurs, facilitating collaborative projects, supporting the growth of community food systems and local economies, enhancing agent skills and community capacity in facilitation and leadership, conducting problem-driven research, and creating publications and tools that address critical community needs.

Do you have a question about Community Viability?

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Community Viability Specialists

See a list of our Community Viability Specialists

The Virginia Family Nutrition Program is a program within Virginia Cooperative Extension that extends the land-grant education and outreach mission of Virginia Tech by offering a comprehensive collection of resources, educational programs, and services across the Commonwealth to improve the health of families. The motto of the Virginia Family Nutrition Program is Eat Smart, Move More.

The Virginia Family Nutrition Program has a specific focus of addressing food security and the prevention of costly chronic diseases. Our commitment to finding real solutions for our communities is showcased through a variety of programs and initiatives that impact community health.

Our funding comes from the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) to offer the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) and from the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) to offer Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) in Virginia.

Our program participants learn how to:

  • Prepare recipes with healthy ingredients
  • Plan nutritious meals and snacks the whole family will love
  • Read labels on food and drink packages to make healthy choices
  • Identify proper portion sizes
  • Save money on groceries
  • Be more active 
  • Make lifestyle changes to prevent chronic disease

Want to learn more about Virginia Cooperative Extension’s Family Nutrition Program? Contact our main office or connect with an FNP educator in your area

For more resources and information about our programs, visit or find us on social media at Virginia Family Nutrition Program or @VaFNP.