Spotsylvania Farmers’ Market

Looking for a source of fresh local farm produce – come to the Spotsylvania Farmers market. The Spotsylvania Farmers’ Market is a Virginia Grown market. When you buy from our local farmers you are buying Virginia products. These products are grown on nearby farms and come to you fresh, not shipped across the country from far away. Freshness, flavor and nutrition are optimal with Virginia products you buy directly from the farmer because they are harvested and prepared only when they are at their peak, and with reduced transportation time, they reach you quickly to preserve their outstanding qualities. Buying locally also keeps green dollars in state to help boost Virginia’s agriculture and the state’s overall economic vitality.
The Spotsylvania Farmers Market has three locations.
VDOT Commuter Lot Market
The VDOT commuter lot is located at the intersection of Gordon Road and Route 3. The market operates from the third Saturday in April to the Saturday prior to Christmas. Market hours are 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center Market
The Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center Market is located in Massaponax at 4604 Spotsylvania Parkway Fredericksburg, VA 22408. This market is open Wednesday 3:00 to7:00 PM from May 16 through September 26.
Winter Market
A winter market is held the second Saturday of January, February and March at the VDOT commuter lot located at the intersection of Gordon Road and Route 3. Hours of operation 9:00 AM to Noon.